P4 Emblazon Gem Award Merchandise Designs

This is a shirt that I designed following the off-white t shirt and logo design. I am a big fan of off-white clothing and I decided to imprint that style for one of my shirt designs.

This is the thumbnail and the planning that went into this off-white designed type of shirt


This Is a simple T-shirt design which is pretty straight forward. It is a grey shirt that has a big EGA logo on it which would be great for proud EGA fans to wear if they were aiming to expose our brand. The clothing would play a major part in the promotion of future events and this would be the perfect shirt to do so.

This is a tank top that I designed based off of the idea of my favourite album merchandise "Whole Lotta Red Merch". This was inspired by one of the grungy style of shirt. This would pass as my favourite because I like how chaotic it looks and the way that I have managed to fit the logo in is something that I am proud of.
This is the design I was inspired by


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