Unit 23 Table


 Farai Junior Mavhunga

Unit 23 Table

This is a table detailing the media I would like to include in my personal media profile:


Attributes/Characteristics of the Content

Unit/Component Content’s From

Skills Showcased

File Format


Mind maps of learning outcomes

Unit 23 LO1. 1.3

Mediums 5 mind maps

Planning, organisation, rough working

.docx & JPEG

Personal Media Profiles

What is a personal media profile?

Unit 23 LO1 1.1

Understanding how useful and crucial portfolios can be for acquiring job options


File formats

Analysing the several types of file formats and what they are used for

Unit 23 LO2.1

Understanding the distinct types of file formats and linking them to what I would use them for and knowing which one is most suitable in correlation to the type of project used



Repurposing linking to the mind maps done in week 1

Unit 23 LO1 1.4

Showing how well you can link previous work to recent work and seeing how it fits in

.jpg, mp4


What is the best type of CV?

Unit 23 LO1 1.2

Understanding how to set up a CV, what a CV is supposed to look like and using the best fitted CV to apply for something


Prospective Employers

The Apprenticeship route + Employers

Unit 23 LO2 2.2

Writing skills and the ability to work to deadlines as this had to be completed in a very short space of time.




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