
Showing posts from February, 2021

P1 Unit 3 proposal

Introduction:   My name is Farai Mavhunga From Vivian Productions in London I’m here to pitch for a 2 hour annual award show Name of Award: Hidden Gem Award Description What will happen is that we would broadcast an international award show which will feature some of the best artists around the world and they will be put on a wide platform in order to showcase their musical talents to a wider audience. The award show will take some of the world’s underground artists and they will be grouped depending on the different types of genres that they specialise in and they will be rated according to a voting system. This show will also divide the separate different awards depending on whether they’re male or female because of the different qualities that female and male artists possess. The person that will be hosting the show is the 5 time award winning comedian Hamza Ross and depending on the circumstances the hosts are likely to be interchanged on a yearly basis De...

Unit 23 Table

   Farai Junior Mavhunga Unit 23 Table This is a table detailing the media I would like to include in my personal media profile: Content Attributes/Characteristics of the Content Unit/Component Content’s From Skills Showcased File Format MIND MAPS Mind maps of learning outcomes Unit 23 LO1. 1.3 Mediums 5 mind maps Planning, organisation, rough working .docx & JPEG Personal Media Profiles What is a personal media profile? Unit 23 LO1 1.1 Understanding how useful and crucial portfolios can be for acquiring job options .docx File formats Analysing the several types of file formats and what they are used for Unit 23 LO2.1 Understanding the distinct types of file formats and linking them to what I would use them for and knowing which one is most suitable in correlation to the type o...

LO2 2.2 What do Prospective employers want

PENTAGRAM:   Pentagram is one of the biggest graphical design companies in the world and it is very difficult to get a placement here.  They require a digital portfolio but it requires it to be sent to different parties with major connections in order to reach the company. how to get a placement at pentagram OTTA: Applying for Otta is something that is more in reach than big companies like Pentagram and it requires a small portfolio in which work can be viewed in order for them to allocate a position most useful to them Applying for otta with a profile

P2, P3, P4, P5 and M1 Emblazon Gem Awards Presentation For unit 21

My Pitch Presentation I'd like to share the presentation “'EMBLAZON GEM AWARDS" This is a presentation shows how in tune I am with the music industry and I have tried including all the aspects that I understand about music in this one presentation. I have incorporated colours such as gold which contributes to how rich this award looks and to bring value to it even though it is only awarded to underground artists. I created my own artists and utilised some thumbnails and added tweets in order to make it more immersive and realistic. I used pngs of people such as the comedian that I created and the pictures of people who interact with the show. To view presentation   Click Here