
Showing posts from October, 2019

radio adverts

KFC BBC radio 4 afternoon & night KFC Jingle


changed font warp drop shadow glow bevel and emboss gradient overlay stroke changed text colour changed text size no effects for some of them

photoshop work

Edited this for my friend. she likes Harry potter,BTS and reading too.   Edited this for my other friend Florence. Just wanted to edit something focusing on the aesthetic of the colour pink.  this


This is a Tesco leaflet that advertises the Christmas specials and drawing attention because there will be some free stuff This leaflet advertises the vegetarian burger which is 100% chicken free
Edit i made for my friend florence
An Edit i did for my friend Kate

print media

This billboard anticipates the signing and promotes a soccer player that is new to a team. This billboard promotes a new hip hop album released by an artist which could atract new fans to listen to them. This promotes a football player by advertising him on the cover and could draw audiences to this player through curiosity and wondering who he is which will help him gain more fans and engagement.                          this is a witty comment used to advertise glasses and which can also draw attention in an almost sexual manner. This poster uses word play to promote and witty content cold draw attention to new audiences.

masthead with different textures as the font colour
